CEO and Founder
Pied Parker

For over 30 years, John-Michael has been exploring the boundary limits of the possible. Over a career crossing the divides between corporate, NGO, Government and startup playing fields, John-Michael continuously asks one single question – Why Not Now? In the same spirit it, as the Head of Operations for Pied Parker, John-Michael is busy with Gianni Maxemin, CEO and Founder, asking this same question about Smart Parking. Why can’t we have effortless parking? Why do we have to circle the block again and again? Why can’t my car just figure this out? Why does the phrase “Parking Frustration” or its alternate “Cruising for Parking” even exist? Parking and our entire Destination experience should be part of our best life instead of our worst day. John-Michael is leading the charge along with the entire team at Pied Parker to make this our reality.